Survival Retreat: Your Ultimate Getaway

Ever fantasized about having your own little escape pod when the world seems a tad too loud? No, we’re not talking about blasting off to Mars (yet), but something a bit more down-to-earth: survival retreats. Imagine a cozy hideout nestled in nature, where the only notifications you get are from the chirping birds. Sounds dreamy, right? Let’s see how you can create your very own sanctuary.

Why a Survival Retreat?

In a nutshell, a survival retreat is your back-to-basics haven, designed to keep you safe and sound, away from the hustle and bustle. It’s not just about surviving; it’s about thriving in your own slice of paradise, even when the rest of the world is in a pickle.

Picking the Perfect Spot

Location, location, location! You want a spot that’s secluded enough to give you peace, yet accessible enough so you’re not reenacting your favorite survival drama series. Think about water sources, the lay of the land, and, yes, even the soil quality. You might not be a farmer now, but who knows what hobbies you’ll pick up when you’re enjoying your retreat?

Building Your Retreat

When building your survival retreat, think sturdy, sustainable, and snug. Renewable energy sources like solar panels aren’t just for show; they’re your lifeline. And let’s not forget rainwater harvesting systems – because nothing beats the taste of pure, unadulterated H2O.

What Not to Do: The Overkill Overhaul

Here’s a fun example of what not to do: turning your retreat into a fortress worthy of a medieval siege. Yes, security is crucial, but if your home looks more like a scene from “Fortnite,” you might be doing it wrong. Balance is key. You want a retreat, not a repellant.

Living the Retreat Life

Once your survival retreat is set up, it’s all about enjoying the fruits of your labor. Grow a garden, learn to fish, or simply kick back and enjoy the stars without a care in the world. This is your chance to reconnect with nature, and yourself, and maybe even get started on that novel you’ve been putting off.


Creating your survival retreat is about preparing for the worst but also experiencing the best. It’s a project, a passion, and a playground all rolled into one. So, gather your plans, your dreams, and maybe a sturdy pair of boots – your adventure awaits!

And remember, the journey is part of the fun. Don’t wait for the world to give you a reason to seek your retreat. Start planning, start building, and most importantly, start enjoying your survival retreat now. After all, why wait for chaos to find your peace?

Swimming Ponds: A Natural Pool Alternative

One fascinating concept that has gained popularity is the “swimming pond.” This innovative approach not only offers a unique aesthetic appeal to properties but also serves multiple purposes, including the potential for food production. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of swimming ponds compared to traditional pools. As well as, the possibility of integrating aquaculture for a self-sustaining food source, and offer guidance on how to create your own natural swimming pond.

The Pros and Cons: Swimming Ponds vs. Traditional Pools


  • Environmental Integration: Swimming ponds blend seamlessly with the landscape. This promotes biodiversity and attracts wildlife, creating a living ecosystem in your backyard.
  • Chemical-Free Water: Unlike traditional pools that rely on chlorine or other chemicals for cleaning, swimming ponds use natural filtration systems (like plants and microorganisms) to purify water.
  • Year-Round Interest: Even in colder months when swimming is off the table, a swimming pond remains a visually appealing water feature, supporting a variety of aquatic and surrounding plant life.
  • Potential for Food Production: By incorporating fish and edible plants, a swimming pond can also function as a source of food, adding an element of permaculture to your property.


  • Initial Cost and Setup: Establishing a swimming pond can be more expensive initially. This is due to the need for specialized design and landscaping to ensure proper water filtration and ecosystem balance.
  • Maintenance Knowledge: Understanding the ecosystem and maintaining balance is crucial. Owners must be knowledgeable or willing to learn about aquatic plant care, seasonal changes, and ecological health indicators.
  • Space Requirements: A natural swimming pond requires more space than a traditional pool to accommodate the filtration zones and ensure a healthy ecosystem.
  • Wildlife Encounters: While attracting wildlife is seen as a benefit, it can also be a con for some, as it might lead to unwanted visitors in your swimming area.

Integrating Aquaculture: A Sustainable Food Source

Introducing fish to your swimming pond not only adds to the natural beauty and ecological balance but also offers an opportunity for sustainable food production. Species like carp, tilapia, or trout can thrive in this environment. So, it provides a fresh source of protein right from your backyard! It’s important to research and choose species that are suitable for your climate and the specific conditions of your pond. Additionally, integrating aquatic plants like watercress or lotus can offer both purification benefits and edible harvests.

Creating Your Own Swimming Pond: Steps and Considerations

  1. Planning and Design: Start with a clear plan that includes the size, depth, and location of your pond. Consider hiring a professional with experience in swimming ponds to ensure a functional and sustainable ecosystem.
  2. Regulation Compliance: Check local regulations and zoning laws. This ensures that your project is compliant, especially if you plan to introduce fish.
  3. Filtration Zone Creation: Designate areas for natural filtration. This typically involves a regeneration zone planted with specific aquatic plants known for their purifying properties.
  4. Construction and Planting: After excavating, line your pond with a suitable underlay and liner. Then, strategically plant the selected aquatic plants in the regeneration zone.
  5. Water Management: Initially, you may need to adjust water levels and add beneficial bacteria to kickstart the ecosystem. Regular monitoring of water quality and clarity is essential for maintaining a healthy swimming pond.
  6. Fish Introduction: Once the pond and plants are established, and the water quality is stable, you can introduce fish. Ensure the species are appropriate for your pond’s size and the local climate.

Conclusion: Swimming Ponds

Swimming ponds offer a compelling alternative to traditional pools, aligning with eco-friendly principles while providing a multifunctional landscape feature. By understanding the intricacies of building and maintaining a natural swimming pond, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of a chemical-free swimming environment that harmonizes with nature and even serves as a sustainable food source. As we embrace more sustainable living practices, the swimming pond stands out as a beacon of innovation in residential landscaping.

Cultivating Independence: The Orchard Path to Self-Sufficiency

Embrace the orchard lifestyle for a more independent life. In the quest for a more self-reliant and fulfilling lifestyle, the allure of off-grid living beckons stronger than ever. Imagine a life where your backyard offers not just a retreat from the world but a pantry laden with the fruits of your labor – literally. This isn’t just about gardening; it’s about creating a self-sustaining orchard ecosystem that feeds your family throughout the year. In this follow-up to our exploration of lazy farming techniques, we delve into the heart of “all real estate” with a focus on permaculture and orchard planning for prepper homes and off-grid farming enthusiasts.

The Permaculture Approach to Independence

Permaculture goes beyond simple gardening or farming; it’s a philosophy of working with nature to create sustainable and self-maintaining ecosystems. Therefore, by embracing permaculture, you’re not just planting an orchard; you’re designing a living system that evolves and grows with minimal intervention. This approach ensures that your orchard not only provides fresh produce but also enhances soil quality, conserves water, and supports the local ecosystem.

A Year-Round Orchard: Diverse Produce Every Month

The key to a successful self-sustaining orchard is diversity. By carefully selecting a variety of trees and plants, you can ensure that month by month, your family enjoys the bounty of your land. Imagine the joy of harvesting crisp apples in October, tangy lemons in January, and succulent peaches in July. Each species not only offers nutritional variety but also plays a role in the orchard’s ecological balance, from pollination partners to pest control.

An Example Orchard Plan for Family Nutrition

Creating an orchard that provides a continuous supply of food requires thoughtful planning. So, here’s a simple guide for an orchard designed to feed a family of four throughout the year:

  1. Space Allocation: Aim for at least 1000 square meters of land. This allows for a mix of fruit trees, berry bushes, and spaces for annuals like vegetables and herbs.
  2. Tree Selection: Choose a mix of trees to ensure year-round harvest. For example:
    • January: Citrus trees (oranges, lemons)
    • March: Stone fruit trees (peaches, plums)
    • May: Cherry trees
    • July: Apple and pear trees
    • September: Fig and pomegranate trees
    • November: Nuts (walnut, almond)
  3. Understory Plants: Between the trees, incorporate berry bushes, perennial vegetables, and herbs. That’s how you make use of all available space and create a diverse ecosystem.
  4. Maintenance: Adopt lazy farming principles by using mulch for weed control and moisture retention, installing a drip irrigation system for water efficiency, and choosing disease-resistant tree varieties to minimize the need for intervention.

Conclusion: From Orchard to Table – The Path to Independence

Embracing the orchard lifestyle isn’t just about growing food; it’s about nurturing a relationship with the land and fostering a sense of independence. By integrating the principles of permaculture and lazy farming, your orchard becomes more than just a source of sustenance; it becomes a living, breathing ecosystem that supports your family and the environment. Whether you’re situated on a sprawling “all real estate” property or a modest plot destined for off-grid farming, the path to a more independent and rewarding life lies in the heart of your orchard.

As we continue to explore the vast possibilities of self-sufficient living, remember that the journey to independence is not only about the destination but the joy and fulfillment found in tending to the land and reaping its bountiful rewards. Therefore, just enjoy the enriching world of orchard-based living, where every season brings a new harvest and every harvest brings us closer to the essence of true independence.

Off-Grid Farm: Embrace Your Inner Lazy Farmer

Let’s face it, many of us are secretly (or not so secretly) yearning for a simpler life. A life where the fruits of your labor are literally fruits (and vegetables), and your biggest worry is whether your tomatoes will win the neighborhood’s unofficial gardening contest. There is just a downside: usually it is a lot of hard work! Therefore, in this article, we are exploring some lazy methods for your off-grid farm or prepper home.

What Exactly Is Off-Grid Farming?

Off-grid farming is the agricultural equivalent of turning off your smartphone and forgetting where you put it. It’s about living closer to nature, in a sustainable and self-sufficient manner, away from the hustle and bustle of the grid-connected world. Imagine waking up to the sound of roosters instead of your alarm clock and collecting eggs from your chickens instead of the grocery store. That’s off-grid living in a nutshell.

Off-Grid Farm Combined With Lazy Farming

Now, before you start picturing early mornings, back-breaking work, and wrestling with a goat just to get your morning milk, let me introduce you to the concept of “lazy farming.” It’s exactly what it sounds like farming methods that require minimal effort but still yield plenty of rewards. Think of it as the couch potato’s guide to agriculture.

Rabbit Colonies: The Pinnacle of Lazy Farming

Take, for instance, the colony raising of rabbits. These furry balls are the unsung heroes of the lazy farming world. Why? Because they basically manage themselves. You provide them with a safe, enclosed space to hop around, a steady supply of food and water, and they’ll do the rest, including the multiplication part (they’re famously good at that). Rabbits are not only low-maintenance, but they also provide you with lean meat, luxurious fur, and, if you’re into gardening, some of the best fertilizers nature has to offer.

More Lazy Farming Ventures

But why stop at rabbits? There are plenty of other lazy farming ventures to consider:

  • Aquaponics: It’s like creating your own self-sustaining fish tank, but you get vegetables along with fish. The fish waste feeds the plants, and the plants clean the water for the fish. It’s a win-win situation, and you barely have to lift a finger.
  • Permaculture Gardens: Design your garden in such a way that it practically takes care of itself. Permaculture is all about working with nature, not against it. Once it’s up and running, it needs very little intervention from you.
  • Duck Pond Systems: Similar to aquaponics but with ducks. They swim around, enjoying life, while their waste feeds the pond plants. You get the joy of watching ducklings paddle in your pond, and your garden gets a nutrient boost.

The Bottom Line

An off-grid farm, especially the lazy kind, is not just for those wishing to escape the digital leash of modern life. It’s for anyone who wants to live a more sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle while also having time to enjoy the fruits of their not-so-hard labor. So, whether you’re dreaming of a full-scale farm or just a small backyard garden, remember: that nature is on your side, and sometimes, being a bit lazy can actually be a good thing.

Welcome to the delightful world of off-grid, lazy farming—where the living is sweet, and the farming is easier.

Prepper Palaces: From Bunkers to Eco-Paradises

Ever dreamt of a hideout that could weather zombie apocalypses, alien invasions, or just the in-laws dropping by unannounced? Let´s explore unique prepper homes, and prepper palaces where survival meets comfort.

1. Underground Bunkers: The Subterranean Sanctuaries

Imagine a cozy den, but instead of fluffy pillows, you’re surrounded by canned beans and state-of-the-art air filters. Underground bunkers are the introverts of prepper homes—private, quiet, and incredibly good at keeping nuisances (like radiation) out. They’re perfect for those who took “digging a hole to China” seriously as kids.

2. Earth-Sheltered Homes: The Hobbit Havens

Earth-sheltered homes are your ticket to an eco-friendly way of living. These homes are snuggled into the landscape, offering you a front-row seat to nature’s wonders while keeping your energy bills lower than a limbo stick at a garden gnome party.

3. Off-Grid Cabins: The Wilderness Retreats

For those who believe Wi-Fi signals should be swapped for bird calls, off-grid cabins are the dream. Tucked away in nature’s pocket, these cabins are the ultimate escape from the rat race. They’re powered by the sun, wind, or the sheer force of your survivalist spirit, making every day an Earth Day celebration.

4. Converted Structures: The Architectural Oddities

Missile silos, schools, or even old jails—these aren’t settings for the next dystopian bestseller but potential prepper homes for the creatively inclined. Imagine sipping coffee in a classroom-turned-living room or hosting dinner parties in a missile silo. It’s like living in a piece of history, but with better plumbing.

5. Mobile Prepper Homes: The Nomadic Nests

If you’ve ever wanted to just pick up and go, mobile prepper homes are your ticket to vagabond bliss. RVs, buses, and trailers equipped with all the necessities let you chase the sunset without leaving the comforts of home behind. It’s the tortoise strategy: slow, steady, and with your home always on your back.

6. Sustainable Eco-Homes: The Green Utopias

For the eco-warriors who want to prep without hurting the planet, sustainable eco-homes are the answer. These homes are a symphony of renewable energy, recycled materials, and harmonious living with nature. Think of it as prepping with a green thumb—a way to survive the apocalypse and save the earth at the same time.

7. Fortified Homes: The Castles of the Modern Age

Ever wanted your home to resemble a fortress without the medieval draftiness? Fortified homes are all about security with a capital “S.” They’re the superheroes of houses, designed to keep you safe from everything from burglars to ballistic missiles. Because sometimes, the best offense is a good defense (and a couple of feet of reinforced concrete).

In Conclusion

Whether you’re planning for a future that’s uncertain or just want a unique place to call home, one of those prepper palaces has your name on it. From subterranean hideouts to eco-paradises, the world of prepper homes is as diverse as it is fascinating. So, why settle for a boring house when you could have a fortress, a hobbit haven, or a mobile escape pod? After all, home isn’t just where the heart is—it’s where you feel prepared for anything.

Forest Preppers – A House in the Woods

Who Says You Need a Farm to Be Prepared?

Welcome back, future forest preppers! Who likes to swap city lights for starry nights and a house tucked in the woods? And here’s a fun fact: you don’t need acres of farmland to be self-reliant. Nope. All you need is a little patch of forest and a can-do attitude.

Your Forest, Your Pantry

First up, let’s talk about turning that forest into your personal pantry. You might not have wide-open fields, but you’ve got something just as good: a natural supermarket if you will. Think about planting berries – blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries – they love the dappled sunlight of the forest. And let’s not forget about hearty greens like spinach and kale, which can thrive under the canopy.

The Animals of the Woods

Now, what about some feathered and furry friends? Chickens are the go-to for many, but why not consider pheasants? They’re forest-friendly and add a touch of elegance to your setup. Rabbits are another great choice – they’re quiet, fluffy, and pretty low-maintenance.

Water Wisdom in the Woods

Water management? It’s all about working with Mother Nature. A stream or creek can be a sustainable water source with the right filtration. No creek? No problem. Collecting rainwater is like savings for a rainy day – quite literally.

Prepper Perks of Forest Living

Living in the forest also means you’re a VIP member of the Woodland Club. Fallen branches for firewood? Check. Natural shelter from the elements? Double-check. Plus, the forest is a masterclass in the circle of life – it’s composting made easy.

Careful with mushrooms, though, never eat what you don’t know. Once you are a mushroom expert, you´ll have another great food source at hand.

Conclusion: A Green Thumbs-Up to Forest Prepping

So, there you have it! Forest preppers aren’t just about being prepared; it’s a full-on embrace of nature’s bounty. With a bit of creativity and some forest know-how, you can enjoy a life of quiet independence and tranquility in your prepper home. And that, dear friends, is what we call living the dream.

Preppers: It’s Not About Doomsday, It’s About Independence!

Hey there! Last time, we talked about homes for preppers, and let’s be real – when you hear “prepper,” you might think of someone waiting for zombies to show up. But, spoiler alert: it’s not all about doomsday. Let’s see why preppers are way cooler than just apocalypse fanatics.

Prepping: It’s Like Having a Plan B… For Everything

Preppers are the folks who look at life and say, “Hey, what if?” What if there’s a big storm? What if the stores run out of food? They’re not paranoid; they’re just ready. It’s like always having an extra toilet paper roll – practical, not paranoid. It is probably within every one of us to be prepared for emergencies in some way.

More Than Just Stockpiles: A Lifestyle of Independence

Here’s the thing: prepping is about craving independence. These savvy folks aren’t just storing canned beans for an alien invasion. They’re gardening, installing solar panels, and collecting rainwater. Why? Because who likes being caught off guard by price hikes or supply shortages? Not preppers, that’s for sure.

DIY: The Prepper’s Mantra

Preppers are the kings and queens of DIY. Why call a plumber when you can fix the leak yourself? Their homes are more than shelters; they’re personal fortresses of self-reliance. Land and space aren’t just cool bonuses; they’re essentials for growing veggies, raising chickens, and maybe even a goat or two. Prepper homes are ready for almost anything, and they are more environmentally friendly as well.

Learning from Preppers: Be Prepared, Not Scared

So, what can we learn from preppers? It’s simple: be prepared, not scared. You don’t need to build a bunker or wear a tin foil hat. Start small: grow some herbs, learn to fix a leaky tap, or just have an extra pack of batteries.

Conclusion: Embracing the Prepper Spirit

In conclusion, preppers might be preparing for the worst, but they’re also enjoying the best – a life of independence and self-sufficiency. So next time you meet a prepper, don’t think doomsday; think, “Hey, that’s one prepared person!” And maybe ask them for gardening tips – trust me, they’ve got plenty!

Prepper Home: How the World Changed After COVID-19

Hey There, Let’s Talk Prepper Homes!

Remember when everyone was hunting for yeast to make bread during the pandemic? That’s when we noticed a bunch of folks getting into this survivalism or prepper lifestyle. If you’re scratching your head wondering, “What’s a prepper?” – they’re the people who get ready for any big emergency, like a massive snowstorm that shuts everything down or something even bigger.

Preppers love to be ready for anything. They stock up on food and water, learn how to fix things themselves, and some even build cool hideouts like underground shelters. It’s all about being able to take care of themselves, no matter what.

Why Prepper Homes are Hot Property Now

So, why is everyone suddenly interested in prepper homes? Well, when COVID-19 turned the world upside down, lots of people started thinking, “Hey, maybe those preppers are onto something.” Folks began looking for homes in the countryside where they could have their own vegetable garden and not worry about bumping into too many people.

And guess what? Working from home became super popular. People realized they could live pretty much anywhere with a good internet connection. So why not move to a place with more space and fresh air?

Why You Might Love a Prepper Home

Think about it. Growing your own tomatoes? Super cool (and they taste way better than store-bought). Need more reasons? How about:

  • More Room to Breathe: Living in a big city can feel like you’re packed in a can of sardines. Moving to a place with fewer people means you’ve got more space to yourself. You can go for a walk without bumping into a gazillion people.
  • Work from Your Garden: Imagine sending emails while chilling in your backyard. Sounds pretty nice, right?
  • Be a DIY Hero: In a prepper home, you’ll learn all sorts of handy skills, like fixing a leaky faucet or growing the best strawberries in town.

So, if you’re thinking about getting away from the hustle and bustle of city life and trying something new, why not check out some prepper real estate? It’s not just about being ready for the end of the world – it’s about having a cozy, cool place where you can do your own thing. And who knows, you might just love it!

Real Estate for Preppers

I just stumbled upon a few websites for preppers when I looked up how to make my own yeast (there was none left in the shop). That’s when I discovered that there is a whole trend out there, it looks like everybody wants to become a prepper these days. There are also a few real estate websites offering properties for preppers.

What are preppers and what is real estate for need?

Preppers or survivalists are people who prepare for emergencies, including probable disturbances in social or political order, as well as preparations for personal emergencies, such as job loss.

The main focus is on self-reliance, stockpiling supplies, and gaining survival knowledge and skills. Among other things preppers often stockpile food and water, prepare to become self-sufficient, if possible, off-grid living, and build structures such as underground shelters that may help them survive a disaster.

Why do so many look for real estate for preppers now

The covid-19 pandemic has caused many people to re-examine their way of life. It created a wave of interest in rural living and particularly in prepper properties. Relocation to rural areas where one can be self-sufficient to some degree is an increasingly attractive possibility.

A lot of workers have been sent to work from home, and discovered, they actually love it. They are seeing its many advantages. With internet available in even isolated locations, the feasibility of working from home has gone up radically.

It can be immensely satisfying to grow your own food.

Less populated areas = easier social distancing

People in city areas are feeling restricted to their homes or apartments. In such densely populated places, social distancing can only be accomplished by staying at home. In less populated areas, or maybe suburbs where a house comes with its own big garden there is plenty of opportunities for outdoor activity, while easily maintaining a proper distance to others.

If you are planning to become a prepper, survivalist or maybe you are just seeking some more space outdoors by moving to the countryside, have a look at our real estate listings.